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Hi darling!

I’m Elizabeth Mucklow, a psychologist, personal trainer and dancer.


I was born in the beautiful city of Prague in 1992 and raised in The Netherlands.


From a very young age, I have been passionate about fitness, dance, art and the human mind.


 In 2018 I graduated from the University of Utrecht as a Graduate Psychologist with the ambition to learn more about the human mind, body, health & fitness.


A few years later I became a certified Personal Trainer and started working as a lifestyle coach in companies.

I liked it, but I didn't LOVE IT for the reason of being a personal trainer ONLY,  with one clear focus: training clients.


There was no space or time for a good talk with the person I was training. I missed psychological coaching because I knew I could help my clients better with their weight loss journey if we could actually find out WHY they gained so much weight in the first place and how to prevent it from happening again.

“You are the biggest and most beautiful piece of art that we can work on!”

You see, I believe that if we want to change our lifestyles, become more fit, healthy and confident, we cannot do it by just fitness and losing weight alone.


We must not forget that a lot of who we are comes from the inside. It is our thoughts that create our emotions that influence our decisions which in turn enforces us to take specific actions and show a certain behavior.


Unfortunately more than I like to mention, I have seen people, friends and acquaintances over the years lose their spark & their positive energetic mindset.


Because of their ambition and hard work they slowly made less and less time for themselves and started to feel stuck, robotic & burned out. Sure they went to the gym, but they didn’t focus on their mind as well. 

The result of that has usually been weight gain, loss of confidence and energy combined with lot’s of stress and anxiety.


“It is what it is, That’s the working life for yah!” - they would say.


Is it though? I think you can still have that spark in your eyes at an older age, you can still dream, expand your mindset, train, be fit, healthy and strong and still work on your career and be ambitious.


But only if you genuinely take the time and work on yourself both mentally and physically and perhaps even spiritually.


I’ve seen people losing their spark way too many times and my mission is to bring that spark back and help you revive.


From this ideology of mine, I started my business with the mission to Revive Your Human. 

Right now I am offering total transformation packages where we focus on a weight loss journey combined with fitness and psychological coaching.


Since I love to dance I also teach dancing and use dance as a form of therapy which adds a bit of artistic twist to my coaching sessions as well.


Coaching should be fun!


Don't forget that you are the biggest and most beautiful piece of art that we can work on.


Revive your human baby, let me help you get fit, take back the narrative and design the future of your dreams! 
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- Elizabeth

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